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The CCFP credential indicates expertise in forensics techniques and procedures, standards of practice, and legal and ethical principles to assure accurate, complete, and reliable digital evidence admissible in a court of law. It also indicates the ability to apply forensics to other information security disciplines, such as e-discovery, malware analysis, or incident response. In other words, the CCFP is an objective measure of excellence valued by courts and employers alike.
The CCFP exam is available worldwide with regional adaptation for the following countries/regions:
- European Union (CCFP-EU): offered in English and German languages
- India (CCFP-IN): offered in English language
- South Korea (CCFP-KR): offered in Korean language
- United States (CCFP-US): offered in English language
For those who qualify, the CCFP exam will test their competence in the 6 CCFP domains of the (ISC)2 CBK, which cover: Legal and Ethical Principles, Investigations, Forensic Science, Digital Forensics, Application Forensics, Hybrid and Emerging Technologies
Enjoy the app and pass your CCFP, ISC, Legal and Ethical Principles, Investigations, Forensic, Hybrid and Emerging Technologies exam effortlessly!
All organizational and test names are trademarks of their respective owners. This application is an educational tool for self-study and exam preparation. Its not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization, certificate, test name or trademark.